Industrial Solutions
Project Management
Your direct contact person for any question
We coordinate the purchase of goods and their delivery from our headquarters in Afrikahaus. We are also the direct contact person for our manufacturers. In addition to the cooperation with our associated companies in Ghana, Nigeria and Angola, our focus is on providing direct customer support in other African regions.
Your main contact person
Our technically skilled team consists of industrial engineers, technicians and experienced merchants located in Hamburg, who are always on hand to serve your needs every step of the way. Even during major projects, processes can be optimised in individual areas by our technical support and unnecessary costs will be avoided, where possible.
Central Purchasing
Located in Hamburg, purchasing and business transactions are carried out by our specialised departments in the areas of agriculture, construction and electrical engineering, car parts and industrial goods. On the one hand, our aim is to most efficiently employ our comprehensive knowledge of the African market and on-site structures, while also using our engineering expertise as well as our close industry ties, in order to best meet all requirements based on our knowledge of the prevailing local circumstances.
Specialist Departments
Our technical departments is your direct contact person for all issues relating to the products and their distribution primarily in the African markets. We provide support and advice in the course of the project process, highlighting any risks and challenges before they arise.
Project Management
We plan, coordinate, network and oversee construction and other engineering projects in Africa. Our focus is on small to medium sized projects in the fields of power supply, housing development, healthcare provision and agriculture and forestry, as well as other processing industries.
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Our in-house freight forwarding department takes care of the shipping and all the paperwork to ensure that your goods are transported quickly and securely to Africa. Besides planning, booking and scheduling this also includes complete documentation for customs purposes.
We have three associated companies in Africa, namely in Ghana, Nigeria and Angola, each with its own sales, workshop and service departments, as well as warehouses, all aligned to the requirements of the respective market.
Direct Customer Care
Our headquarters in Hamburg also looks after customers in African countries, who do not have local C. Woermann offices at their disposal.
Hamburg is the nerve centre for the product and sales marketing as well as the development of sales materials, coordinated in tandem with direct input from our suppliers and in close customer-centred cooperation with our associated companies.